DMA Family

The Sisters
As the first heirs of the spirituality and mission of our foundress, Mother Julienne of the Rosary, the sisters, as guardians of this heritage, are happy to pass it on to others. Therefore, they have associated themselves with different groups. Together with our lay brothers and sisters, as well as with priests, we form a large family in which each group participates, in its own way, in the spirituality and Eucharistic mission shared by Mother Julienne of the Rosary. Each group has its own color of fraternal life and its modalities of commitment.

The DMA Fraternity
The Dominican Missionary Adorers Fraternity was founded on October 25, 1978 to fulfill Mother Julienne of the Rosary’s desire to gather lay people associated with the Congregation so as to make Jesus known and loved, he who gave himself in the Eucharist for the love for the Father and for everyone in our world. Sharing the same spirituality and the same mission as the DMA, the members of the DMA Fraternity solemnly commit themselves each year to be witnesses of Eucharistic Love.

The Fraternity of Priests of the Eucharistic Heart
Within the Dominican Missionary Adorer Family, priests consecrated to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, meet regularly to live among themselves a time of communion in faith and fraternal support. They nourish themselves together with the spirituality of the family in order to imbue themselves with it and to vivify their life and ministry.

The Eucharistic Families
Founded on 6 October 1992, the Eucharistic Families movement brings together couples of all ages who live the sacrament of marriage and whose children are baptised. This movement has a share in the Dominican Missionary Adorers family, and in the spirituality transmitted by the foundress, Mother Julienne of the Rosary. This spirituality nourishes and energises the life of its members in every aspect of their Christian, conjugal, familial and social life.

The Eucharistic Fraternity of Saint Paul, Alberta
On April 13, 2016, Sr. Julienne Turmel, o.p., Prioress of the Dominican Missionary Adorers and her council, formally accepted the Eucharistic Fraternity of Saint Paul, Alberta as a group belonging to the Dominican Missionary Adorers Family.
An Extended Family
... diversified
Other people gravitate around the Dominican Missionary Adorers and share in the Eucharistic spirituality received from Mother Julienne of the Rosary. These are regular or occasional participants in our Eucharistic Fraternities, adorers who come to pray in our Chapels in Quebec and also in Chacalacayo, Peru. There are also people who come to our cenacles for meetings of spiritual renewal and teachings, for spiritual accompaniment and also people who are physically far from our houses, but spiritually close to us through their sharing of our spirituality. And naturally, there are the members of our families and so many friends.

Source: Daniel Abel
The Eucharistic Fraternity of Beauport
Every Thursday evening, people are welcome to come and live a moment of adoration from 7:00 pm on, followed by Mass at 7:30. The priests who preside the Eucharistic Celebrations and the people who lead in the singing are different each week. This brings a different flavor to each one of the Celebrations. The participants experience what we could call a weekly pilgrimage to our Cenacle, forming together an assembly that is both prayerful and active. All are invited!

The “Friends of the Eucharistic Heart”
The Friends of the Eucharistic Heart is a project put forward to allow people to live the devotion to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus while being in communion with orthers who also live it. A simple means is suggested: reciting the prayer Jesus, I Give you my Heart in communion with all those who recite it. By clicking on this link, you will obtain more information on this subject.

Source: Daniel Gallegos
Le groupe des adorateurs de Chaclacayo
Des adorateurs fréquentant la chapelle de notre couvent de Chaclacayo ont voulu mieux connaître et approfondir notre spiritualité eucharistique. Une rencontre mensuelle permet de prendre un temps d'adoration ensemble, de se nourrir d'entretiens puisés dans l'enseignement de Mère Julienne du Rosaire, et de fraterniser simplement.
A Generation of Adorers
Together, we form an extended family, a “generation” of people, foreseen in the past by Mother Julienne of the Rosary, who want to become adorers of the Father in and through the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.