A way
- to entrust myself to the Love of Christ to be transformed and make me capable of loving with his Heart;
- to help me live through everyday situations;
- to contribute to the expansion of the devotion to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
The Eucharistic Heart
First, what the heart is:
- the symbol of love;
- the organ of blood’s circulation in the body and therefore in our life;
- the center of the person
When we speak about the Eucharistic Heart we mean:
- Jesus Himself
- the Love of His Heart
- the gift He gives us of himself in the Eucharist
- Jesus, who constantly offers Himself to the Father and offers us his love for us to be drawn towards the Father through him.

The nature of the commitment:
- a personal and private commitment, driven by a desire for change in my life;
- a commitment driven by faith and trust in the action of Jesus and His Spirit, in the strength of a communion of people who recite the same prayer.
The concrete aspect of the commitment:
Recite daily the prayer of the Servant of God, Mother Julienne du Rosaire: Jesus, I give you my heart, individually or with others, in spiritual communion with the people who recite it.
This practice brings us into a communion of friends of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
Note: The last sentence of the prayer is very rich: "May my life be an incessant prayer of praise, of adoration and of love to God, our Father through a sincere “yes” to his will at every moment". See below for some explanations...
Prayer in music
For a printable version of the project (pdf format)
Friends of the Eucharistic Heart.pdf
To receive spiritual reflections
A few times during the year, a short spiritual reflection is sent free of charge to people who give us their coordinates. This reflection allows us to live a mini-spiritual renewal at home and to be in communion with the people who receive it and recite the prayer, Jesus, I Give you my Heart.
May my life be an incessant prayer of praise, of adoration and of love to God, our Father through a sincere “yes” to his will at every moment.
May my life be an incessant prayer of praise
We express here a profound desire, a request that we make to Jesus.
What is praise?
Praise is an homage to God, a recognition of what He is, His beauty, His goodness, His blessings on us. To praise
God is to give Him thanks. We can praise God by praying, singing, talking about Him, adoring Him...
What is adoration
First of all, it is recognizing God as our Creator and giving consent to His work in our lives. It is accepting to receive our life from the Father through the breath of the Spirit, as his Son Jesus does. It is also accepting to enter with Jesus in a gift of oneself in love, to the glory of the Trinity and the salvation of the world.
Four concrete ways to adore:
1. By living the celebration of the Eucharist where Jesus gives His life up in a sacramental way, Mass being the summit of adoration.
2. In front of the Blessed Sacrament where Jesus, the perfect adorer is present in the consecrated Host, thus prolonging the Eucharist Celebration.
3. In daily life, by abandoning oneself to God and by offering Him what we are and what we live.
4. By collaborating with God by our work, our gestures and our words in our every day life.
By a sincere “yes” to his will:
God created us and He wants us to be His children. Such is our most profound identity and the reason for true happiness. But very often, we do not live according to this reality because of our mortal, limited and fallible human condition.
The will of God is that we seek, through daily events which are often difficult - how to live more and more as children of God, according to his Spirit of Love, Life and Holiness, so that his reign may come about in us and in the world.
In every moment:
In every moment of our daily life where we are confronted with choices that can lead us to open or close the door of our heart to the Love of God for us.
In brief, we ask:
That our life be given over to the Love of God seeking to conform ourselves to His will «in everything, everywhere and always».
By reciting this prayer, our hope is that it may be realized through the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Love of His Heart, a love He pours into ours and makes us capable of loving our Father and our fellow humans the way He loves them. It is in this way that our life becomes an incessant praise of adoration and love.