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The vocation of a Dominican Missionary Adorer?
The Dominican Missionary Adorers are dedicated to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. We lead a community and apostolic life, both contemplative and active, centered on adoration. We tend to be adorers in mission and missionaries in adoration. Our mission is to make known the immense love of Christ who gives himself to us in the Eucharist.
As for the whole Order of St. Dominic, our life is centered in four areas: community life, life of prayer, study and apostolate.
You are pondering upon the meaning of your life? You would like to talk about it?
Deep desires are there within you and you question yourself about the possibility of a call to religious life? You would like to verify this calling and you would be interested in knowing a bit more about it? Contact Sister Isabelle by phone or by using the form at the bottom of this page and she will be happy to talk with you and get to know you.
The prerequisites
The prerequisites are, among others things, a good health, usually not be more that 40 years old and residing on the same continent where there is a convent of Dominican Missionary Adorers in order to have for a few encounters and get to know one another.
The first steps in the journey
After a first contact with the community, the young woman is requested to make one or more stays of varied lengths within the community for mutual knowledge between the candidate and the sisters.
Possibility of a Retreat for young women discerning
We all know that in our noisy and fast-paced world, it is difficult to stop and pray and meet God in silence. When we are in a period of discernment, that is to say when seeking God's will for our lives, we need longer moments of silence, prayer, intimacy with Him to listen to the Holy Spirit and be formed by Him.
That is why we want to offer young women who are in the process of discerning what their calling may be, the opportunity to experience moments of silence and prayer by opening the doors of our convent. They may either come and adore in our chapel, participate in our liturgies, spend a day of retreat and, if they so desire, meet a sister to answer questions or simply share. Those who would like to spend a few days with us can also.
Discernment and journeying on
The formation communities
For the first stays with the community and for initial formation, young women are welcomed into the "formation house" where there is a spirit of real fellowship.
With the sisters of the formation team, friendships grows and the candidate can become familiar with religious life and tread upon the path of the Dominican Missionary Adorers spirituality. The "formation houses" are in Quebec and in Chaclacayo, Peru.
The journey goes on
If, for the candidate and for the Congregation, the signs of a possible vocation are sufficient,
- the young woman can advance towards the next step and become a postulant, which is a time for more experiences in order to become more familiar with religious life and to continue discerning one's calling.
- After that, the novitiate, which lasts two years, is a time for a more intense formation, deepening one's relationship with Christ and one's integration into the life of a Dominican Missionary Adorer.
- The novitiate can lead to a first commitment and then to a final commitment with the perpetual vows.
During each step, both the young woman and the community strive to discern
- what seems to be the will of God,
- that is to say, if there is a correspondence between on the one hand, the person’s deepest desires, aptitudes and on the other hand, what makes up the life of the community, its spirituality and its mission.
And to go further contact sister Julienne Turmel, o.p. at (418) 661-9221 or with the following form