The Fraternity of Priests of the Eucharistic Heart

In the ideal of the spirituality of the Dominican Missionary Adorers, the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus are aware that their priestly vocation has its source in the loving act of Christ of the Last Supper, making him give us the Eucharist and give himself in it.
Motivated by a deep desire to respond to this love and to his call to each one of them, and for the fruitfulness of their ministry, they seek to be imbued and live inspired by the sentiments that were in Jesus’ Heart on the evening of Holy Thursday, when he offered his life to the Father and gave himself for the salvation of all humanity and to live inspired by them.
In the footsteps of Christ, they want to contribute to giving those adorers in spirit and truth that the Father seeks, doing so by offering themselves and their lives in all the acts of their ministry.
Assured of the timeliness and permanence of the loving gift of Christ of the Lord's Supper, not only do they celebrate the Eucharist for their brothers and sisters, but they want to make their own lives a Eucharist offered to the glory of the whole Trinity "through Him, with Him and in Him".
To support and help each other in their desire to live this spirituality, the priests, members of the fraternity, meet monthly. During their meeting, they live together a moment of Eucharistic adoration, share on a text related to the spirituality or to their ministry, celebrate Vespers and meet fraternally for supper.
Father André Gagné shows his joy of being a priest
He shares with us that his joy of being a priest is fundamentally rooted in the identification to the Heart of Christ. Impressed by the words of St. John Paul II, "Shepherds after my Heart", Father André puts forward a special aspect ... “according to his Eucharistic Heart: the summit of love that sprang from the Heart of Christ, when the Last Supper, he put all the love of the cross into the Eucharistic gesture.
A 6-minute video in French on the ECDQ WebTV.