Chaclacayo, Peru
The Congregation has been present in Peru for more than 50 years. In 2006, we chose Chaclacayo, located in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the Diocese of Chosica, to establish our Peruvian house of formation. It is in this small convent, where a very fraternal community lives, that religious formation for young Peruvian women is currently being carried out.

Every day, in the morning, our chapel is open to all those who wish to live moments of adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed.
We also have other apostolic commitments:
- Pastoral care of Christian initiation in three parishes of the Diocese of Carabayllo (young adolescents and children) and also family catechesis.
- Monthly meetings of renewal for people who wish to deepen the meaning of the Eucharist in their lives according to our spirituality.
- Pastoral care of listening at the parish level and in the surrounding area.

- Eucharistic teaching according to requests (ex: group retreats);
- Facebook page and other means of communication;
- Accompaniment at the level of the Pastoral Council in the sector of Saint Alberto and at the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary;
- Accompaniment at the level of the liturgy (Masses) in the sector of Saint Alberto.

Our address:
Los Olivos # 423
Lima 8