Source: Daniel Abel
Sister Judith Giroux

A life received from a God who is mad with love, and in return, a life given for love to this God and to mankind: these are the central dynamics that animate my life. These two dimensions of my existence are inseparable. They are the very breath of my being, the motor of my spiritual adventure, whose centre is none other than God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
If I focus on the first dimension, I find it mainly in the times of prayer. They are privileged times when I let myself be loved and converted by God thanks to his Word and his Bread of Life. I think in particular of the Eucharist, of the Divine Office, of mental prayer, of lectio divina, of the Rosary, of adoration. These times of rest deepen my intimacy with God and constantly invite me to let myself be transformed ever more deeply in order to become, following the example of Jesus, a gift for the life of the world.
The second dimension, which flows from the first, is summed up in one word: mission. For me, it consists in letting overflow into concrete daily life this life of prayer and adoration in which Love is working on me. And so I live the missionary dimension through the gift of myself, either in the meanest of tasks like housework, or in a more visible service like the animation of the liturgy.
Adoration and mission are therefore the two inseparable dimensions of my existence, so that more and more my life becomes a Eucharist.
Sr. Judith Giroux, o.p., 2011