O Mary, we open our hearts to you
O Mary, our Good mother, our hearts and our houses are opened wide to you so that the Holy Spirit may enter into them, so that he may be at home in you. The Holy Spirit, who prepared you to receive the Emmanuel, may He prepare us also to welcome Him well.
Our lamps burning, with faith and hope, we are waiting for Him.
May all of our Eucharistic Celebrations be anticipations of Christmas. May we live with you and through you bearing Jesus in your womb in great intimacy.
O Good Mother, may we adore Him, hidden inside you, and thank Him for his Incarnation, thank Him for taking a body to show us his Father, to save us. May we thank Him for extending his Incarnation on our altars through the Eucharist.
More often than usual, may we enter into the Heart of this “Little One” with you, to adore the Father with Him and to thank Him for the Incarnation and the Eucharist.

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O Good Mother, may the Advent season be one of recollection, one of light for our minds, of warmth for our hearts, an Eucharistic Advent season with the entire world, in which we will become more aware of our responsibilities for the life of the world, in which we will bear in your hearts so that you bear them to the Heart of Jesus, your Son, the miseries, the sorrows, the fears, the wishes and the sighs of mankind.
May you place our sighs and wishes in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, your beloved Son, the One that you are repeatedly giving us with God the Father and the Spirit of love, in the sacrament of ours altars.
Yes, love and glory to the Trinity through the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, through Jesus Himself, the One you carried in your womb and the One you want to give to the entire world. Amen.
Mother Julienne du Rosaire, November 30, 1978