A spirituality is not a part of the mystery of faith - that is, a selection of passages from the Gospel that we like - but rather a gateway that gives access to the whole mystery.
Depending on our spiritual physiognomies, we will be drawn to one aspect or other of Christ's life: Christ who teaches, who heals the sick, who prays in solitude, who forgives sins, etc. These different approaches are paths of contemplation to discover the beauty of the Christian mystery and to live it deeply.
For Mother Julienne and the entire spiritual family that walks by her side, the page of the Gospel that inspires and unifies their daily life is the event of Holy Thursday. On the evening of the Last Supper, Jesus made an incredible gesture. He invented the sacrament of the Eucharist to fulfill his dearest desire: to remain with us, until the end of time.
The Eucharist is therefore, along with the Word of God, one of the most precious treasures of the life of the Church. It is not only a reminder of Christ's love for us. It makes Christ present in the dynamism of the gift of his life up to the end. This unique presence calls for our adoration since Christ is God dwelling with us. But above all, the Eucharist is an invitation to allow ourselves to be united to Christ who, through his loving Presence, draws us with him into his adoration of the Father and of the whole Trinity, and helps us learn to give our lives generously so that his body, the Church, may be built up.
Communion with Christ present in the Eucharist thus leads us to become ourselves “Eucharist”. It makes us adorers in Spirit and Truth, that is to say, men and women who listen to the Holy Spirit and wish to place their daily lives at the service of the glory of God and the salvation of the world.
Contemplating Christ - Word made flesh -, living the Eucharist and making this wonderful gift known, such is the spirituality of the Dominican Missionary Adorer Family. On this path of holiness, the Virgin Mary accompanies us with her motherly benevolence. St. Dominic's intercession is also a daily help to us.

Source: Michèle Amyot
The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
“The Heart of the incarnate Word, creating the Eucharist at the last supper, and producing it without ceasing on the altar!...! This devotion consists in shedding light on the love of Christ who gives Himself in the Eucharist and gives us His sacrifice. This devotion shows us how we are committed to Christ’s sacrificial act, and that it is in the Mass that we must find the summit of our adoration, since we are adorers. There, in Christ and through Him, we adore the Father and we seek to win for Him adorers in spirit and in truth.”
Mother Julienne du Rosaire, 16 May 1973
To go further...
Excerpts from the teaching of Mother Julienne of the Rosary
From the moment of the foundation of the Dominican Missionary Adorers until her death, Mother Julienne of the Rosary communicated something of the light and the fire that inhabited he, through talks given to her community but also to groups of lay people and to priests.
Here are a few extracts from her teachings, to enable you to commune with her thoughts.

The Last Supper Mass

To be able to offer Him and to offer ourselves with Him

Adoration through the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

My First Supernatural Breath, a Breath with a Eucharistic Orientation!