Tense as an arrow (the prayer of imploring)
Day 7- August 5
He was also often seen standing upright with all his height, towards the sky, like an arrow that a well-strung bow would have launched straight into the blue. He would raise his hands above his head, tightly stretched, joined together, or slightly opened as if to receive something from heaven. It is believed that he was then the object of an increase of grace and that, in a state of rapture, he obtained from God, for the order of which he had laid the foundations, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, for himself and for the brothers, a little of the delectable sweetness which is found in the acts of the beatitudes and which makes one consider oneself happy even in the rigors of poverty, the bitterness of sorrow, the violence of persecution, the hunger and thirst of justice, the embrace of mercy, and that one maintains oneself in a joyful fervor, for the observance of the precepts and the practice of the evangelical counsels.
In these moments, the holy Father seemed to enter, as if by stealth, into the Holy of Holies and into the Third heaven. (...) By his word and his holy example, he never ceased to teach his brothers to pray in the same way...

With Dominic who prayed with his body stretched out towards you like an arrow, we implore you, Lord: that as true sons and daughters of Saint Dominic we may live more intensely the joy of the Gospel in the heart of the Church and the world.
Above all, may our hearts be constantly turned towards you, for you are God. We know that without you, our efforts are in vain. Make our prayer fruitful. May we recognize the graces you give us; may we give thanks to you! And give us to receive them and make them bear fruit, for your glory.
Jubilee Prayer
O God Our Creator, Redeemer, Paraclete,
In prayer, we lift our praise, our blessing, our preaching.
Eight hundred years ago, you called Saint Dominic
to enter into eternal life, and to join you at table in heaven.
As we celebrate this Jubilee, feed us and fill us with grace
so that we may realize our mission of preaching for the salvation of souls.
Help us nourish your people, with your Truth, your Mercy and your Love,
until the promised day when we are all united with the blessed.
We ask this, as One Dominican Family,
through the pleas of Mary, in the name of Jesus. Amen.