Love and Glory to the Trinity
News and events
Happy and Holy Christmas 20240 from yours sisters
Christmas! Mystery of love! New Life! A festival of joy, light and life!FRAUD ALERT!!!
Please note that fraudsters are posing as Sr. Marlaine Lalancette, Prioress General. TOGETHER, LET US BE VIGILANT!Death notice of our dearest sister Germaine Blais
Sister Germaine Blais, 93 years old, died at the General House of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec on June 16, 2024, after 69 years of […]A heart aflame with and for the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus!
Here is the tribute presented by s. Marlaine Lalancette, Prioress General, at our sister Françoise Guillot’s funeral on Tuesday January 16. Here is a brief overview […]A life given…. to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus!
Here is the tribute presented by Sister Marlaine Lalancette, Prioress General, at our Sister Gisèle Carrier’s funeral on Monday January 8. Here is a brief overview […]Newsletter for the Cause of Mother Julienne
Latest information on the Cause for the Beatification and The and Canonization of the Servant God Mother Julienne du Rosaire (1911-1995)
Not to miss
Our Foundress

Who is Mother Julienne of the Rosary? Julienne Dallaire (1911-1995) is the one who founded the congregation of the Dominican Missionary Adoratrices in Quebec City (Canada) in 1945. Throughout her life, she never ceased to communicate the love of the one to whom she dedicated her life: the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Her cause for beatification and canonization is introduced in Rome.
DMA Family

Originally, Mother Julienne founded the congregation "of the sisters", which is the bearer of a rich spirituality, with the mission of sharing it. A treasure not for them alone, but a spirituality for all the baptized. Over the years, different groups were born, with different forms of commitment.
Editions of the Cenacle

The publications "Les Éditions du Cénacle", established in 1987 by the Dominican Missionary Adorers, offer differents products related to spirituality: books, booklets, leaflets, CD of liturgical songs and sheet music, icons et pictures.